Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Matt was a ticking bomb: Patti Newton

This a news about Matthew Newton.
Patti Newton, His mother said that her son was a ticking time bomb.On Monday interview, Patti told that Newton's mental health is the biggest concern issue that She worried about.He has lost his job as a host for the X-Factor program. According to , last week he attacked Rachael Taylor, his girlfriend at a hotel in Rome.The Seven Network issued a statement explained that Newton health was the reason that he has been forced to quit from the show.
Newton's mom said in the attacking day, he was calling her from all over the world, told he would like to propose something and suddenly everything went wrong.More comments from Bert Newton , he admitted that his son's life is really miserable, and he always tried to help him for a long time. However, he told ACA he did not know how.This is not the first accusation of physically violence crime that Newton has faced. In 2007, he accepted guilty to assault on his girl friend Brooke Satchwell during an argument. Newton committed his crime that he punched Satchwell and pushed her into a wall at his house. She also begged him to stop.However, when the court had heard about his metal health problems , he received 12 the months good behaviour bond as a punishment for the assault.He spent 28 days in Melbourne's Malvern Private Hospital that specialises for healing the patients in drug and alcohol issues in April.
In my point of view , every celebrities should be a role model to other people should not make a thing that disgrace themselves.


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What is the first thing you think about Australia?