Monday, August 2, 2010

Friend wins junior surf masters

I choose this to do this news because I'm very interesting in surfing , and surfing is the common sport that Australian people like to do for their hobbies.Chris Friend is one of my favourite Australian surfer.He also is very friendly and talented person. Chris Friend was born in Sunshine Coast , Queensland , it is too obvious that he's training his surfing a lot since he found himself to the right path of sport.

This news tell us about Chris Friend , On July 11, 2010. Friend won the prestigious Mick Fanning Red Bull Junior Surf Master , the surfing competition at Board beach. In the one metre conditions, Friend has beat Matt Banting the surfer from New South Wales in the final path which automatically made Friend become a winner. Friend posted a good combination by two wave , and he received the total score 14.60 which was out of 20. In contrast , Matt Banting score was 14.50. It was slightly different from Friend's score by only 0.10 of a point. Friend said his feeling was very thrilling to surf in front of Mick Fanning , the two times world champion.The competing was also against Australian's best junior surfer usually motivates him wants to do well. All the efforts that Friend has put , it now makes him become successful surfer. After the competition, he walked home with his reward with one of the biggest cheques the value was about $ Australian 10,000. There were several activities around the surf area such as the live music from Brisbane indie. Mick Fanning showed his support on the final round , and he checked out the name who was going to winner for this challenge.
When I read this news, I feel really apperciated the efforts that Chris Friend has put during the contest. He is a dedicate person, and he practiced his surf whenever he has a chance. what I have learned from this news is that people should set up their own target , and they should work through the obstacles no matter how tough it is.

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