Friday, August 27, 2010

Survey finds graduates' mathematics doesn't add up

I choose this new because I believed that there are many people who have a lot of trouble with Maths as well.To be honest, when I was in my high school I didn't like this subject at all. I found it is very difficult for me to understand. In addition I dislike to remember the formulas and equations in Maths.Therefore, this is an interesting news for me why some smart people such as science graduates still have an issue with Maths. In this news, it tells us about Science graduates students are having a major trouble with their mathematics skills.
According to University of Queensland Australian Learning and Teaching Council project leader Kelly Matthews reported that she found out the result from the result only 65 per cent of students felt lack of confident with their mathematics skills.
Her assignments has confirmed that Maths could be a basic of another foundation learning skills.There was some comment added about terrifying in maths that there are some sciences graduates who is having a problem to do with changing in units.For example, They struggle to convert how many centimetres there are in a kilometre. That is really awful .Now, Ms Matthews and her colleague, Peter Adams, have ensured Australian Learning to look overseas and locally for programs that provided such a good quality of science graduates.
Professor Adams said that we are certainly concern about our student's numeracy skills. Ms Matthews said the project showed highly concern in the USA and Britain that science undergraduates weren't doing very well in with their Maths skills.The ALTC project target is to change and develop models for Australian curriculum in 2011.
In my point of view, it is a great idea to develop and improve Maths skills to the students by changing the curriculum. They should do something more fun with Maths not just teaching only in the classroom. I think if they do that there are many students will find Maths become very attractive and interesting subject.

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