Saturday, August 7, 2010

Brown the hero as Lions down Eagles

Jonathan Brown scored the wining score for his team , Lions, at Subiaco Oval on Saturday night. It was a furious battle between Lions and Eagles. This was another chance that Lions and Eagles agianted each other again since 1998 in their first match. For a third quater Eagles had more a chance to lead but then Lions seemed to take the field back when Todd Banfield made three points just only in 15 minutes.
Jonathan Brown tried to throw the ball less than a metre out from the goal line, but it was a clumsy him because the ball was over the line. Therefore, Eagles became leader by Andrew Strijk. Despite a point still the same for seconds, afterward Brown had given a shot for made up his earlier failure. Later on , Brown sneaked through the goal as consequnet Lions obtianed another score , so Lions had become a winner for this game. since Lions had won the match then they celebrated their victory happily, while Eagles seemed to disspoint with their performance since they played well at the begining of the game.

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