Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Matt was a ticking bomb: Patti Newton

This a news about Matthew Newton.
Patti Newton, His mother said that her son was a ticking time bomb.On Monday interview, Patti told that Newton's mental health is the biggest concern issue that She worried about.He has lost his job as a host for the X-Factor program. According to , last week he attacked Rachael Taylor, his girlfriend at a hotel in Rome.The Seven Network issued a statement explained that Newton health was the reason that he has been forced to quit from the show.
Newton's mom said in the attacking day, he was calling her from all over the world, told he would like to propose something and suddenly everything went wrong.More comments from Bert Newton , he admitted that his son's life is really miserable, and he always tried to help him for a long time. However, he told ACA he did not know how.This is not the first accusation of physically violence crime that Newton has faced. In 2007, he accepted guilty to assault on his girl friend Brooke Satchwell during an argument. Newton committed his crime that he punched Satchwell and pushed her into a wall at his house. She also begged him to stop.However, when the court had heard about his metal health problems , he received 12 the months good behaviour bond as a punishment for the assault.He spent 28 days in Melbourne's Malvern Private Hospital that specialises for healing the patients in drug and alcohol issues in April.
In my point of view , every celebrities should be a role model to other people should not make a thing that disgrace themselves.


Water restrictions lifted but warning remains

I choose this news because right now there are some countries that lack of water. They need it to survive.On the other hand , there are some countries that already have water , but don't know how to use it wisely. In this news , it is talking about the government said to the Perth residents that they don't need to return to reticulation. Although the winter sprinkler ban being lifted.
The government is very disappointed that there is an issue nearly 5000 warning for the beaches for three months ban about the Water Cooperation. Dr Jacobs said " the ban saved more than two billion litres of water.Moreover , there is more comment added by The Water Minister Graham Jacobs that people will be able to wa
ter their gardens two times a week now. He also remained everyone.They need to remember that Perth has become its second driest winter on record.Mr Barnett told people must initial reducing the water consumption. " This has been our second driest year so there is no doubt there will be tighter restrictions over the summer months, it's
inevitable." Said Mr.Barnett
To sum up , we all should save water especially in Australia. Australia is such a warm country , so Australian people should prepare and save up some water to do their daily activities.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Tasmania's climate change hit list

I choose this new because right now climate change is the major problem that our world is having. It is very interesting that warm country such as Australia can
In this news, it shows us about the coastal regions that will be Tasmania's lives suffered from climate change. Ms.Louise Gilfedder reported that the Miena Cider Gum is already decrease according to the habitat changes in the highlands. She also gives examples the impact of drought,pets,insects has really given them a major concern issue, and the region might be extinction at first.
they are expecting that warmer temperature will increase, so the effect is the spread of invasive plant will go quickly such as root rot.
Ms.Gilfedder explained that the warming in the mountain probably allows plants diseases such as root rot fungus to climb up into mountain, and it could climb up into forests which is a nice way to stop the spread of the root rot fungus.

The Climate Change Minister Nick McKims tells there is action on the report happen is still months away while the species in the location such as the freshwater crayfish and the frog are remain in danger. Mr.McKims tells that it is one of part of process to develop the responsibility from government to the climate change, and they are expecting to complete it by the end of this year.David O'Byrne, the environment minister is saying that the method is moving progressively to protect the ecosystems and the biodiversity.
To sum up, I think it is a good idea that The Australian's government planed to reduce the climate change problem.More information

Friday, August 27, 2010

Survey finds graduates' mathematics doesn't add up

I choose this new because I believed that there are many people who have a lot of trouble with Maths as well.To be honest, when I was in my high school I didn't like this subject at all. I found it is very difficult for me to understand. In addition I dislike to remember the formulas and equations in Maths.Therefore, this is an interesting news for me why some smart people such as science graduates still have an issue with Maths. In this news, it tells us about Science graduates students are having a major trouble with their mathematics skills.
According to University of Queensland Australian Learning and Teaching Council project leader Kelly Matthews reported that she found out the result from the result only 65 per cent of students felt lack of confident with their mathematics skills.
Her assignments has confirmed that Maths could be a basic of another foundation learning skills.There was some comment added about terrifying in maths that there are some sciences graduates who is having a problem to do with changing in units.For example, They struggle to convert how many centimetres there are in a kilometre. That is really awful .Now, Ms Matthews and her colleague, Peter Adams, have ensured Australian Learning to look overseas and locally for programs that provided such a good quality of science graduates.
Professor Adams said that we are certainly concern about our student's numeracy skills. Ms Matthews said the project showed highly concern in the USA and Britain that science undergraduates weren't doing very well in with their Maths skills.The ALTC project target is to change and develop models for Australian curriculum in 2011.
In my point of view, it is a great idea to develop and improve Maths skills to the students by changing the curriculum. They should do something more fun with Maths not just teaching only in the classroom. I think if they do that there are many students will find Maths become very attractive and interesting subject.

Sydney Airport Accused Of Squeezing airlines' wallets

I choose this story because Sydney is the one main of destinations that passengers from all around the world visit by.It is a large airport, so there are over million thousand people used the service from Sydney airport every day.However, it seems that Sydney airport's fees has become expensive than previous.

In this news , it tell us about Many passengers have complains about airline's fare charges that it is very excessive charges.International Air Transport Association chief executive Mr. Giovanni Bisignani told in Sydney yesterday that tougher rules should be apply on the excursive airport such as Sydney to create the fairness for airlines and their passengers. In the past, Sydney airport was the one of world's costliest airport , but now it moved from 34 th place to ninth. According to rise the fees in Sydney Airport, The airline's passengers have the anger that they are forced to a lot of money while they also continue to purchase an expensive fees on everything from car park to coffee.
Mr.Bisignani declared to the guests at National Aviation Press Club lunch that Sydney Airport's pre-tax gaining margin 82 per cent in 2009 while another airlines worldwide lost about $10 billion. Mr.Bisignani said "We need profitable airline partners.However, they must be effectively regulated so that they do not abuse their monopolistic position."
Macquarie business MAp showed the half-year results yesterday which presented the majority-owned Sydney Airport added pre-tax profit 12.5 per cent to $ 180 million.
The IATA boss , on behalf of the airline who fly to Sydney, he will discuss the subject about cutting the airport charges with Sydney Airport chairman Max Moore-Wilton this week.
Lastly, Mr. Bisignani said a new or second Sydney airport was critically necessary for supporting of the New South Walse economy.
To sum up, I personally think that Sydney airport should stay the same rate as it was in the past. Otherwise, the passengers wouldn't like to visit the Airport because cost of everything at Sydney airport is really expensive. They might find an alternative airport which is cost cheaper than Sydney airport.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Abbott 'not seeking another election'

I choose this news because the politic always involved with the unfairness. Likewise, every politicians will use every kind of strategies to get themselves wi
n the election campaign. Although the victory that they received might have flawless, but I think it is very interesting whether it true or not that Mr.Tony Abbott doesn't seek another parties for an election.

In this news , it tells us that Tony Abbott has rejected about his planning to force another election. Senator Brown said that Mr. Abbott attempts to negotiate with three independent MPs to win in a hung parliament.

Mr. Abbott refused all the accusation, and he told the newspaper that he would like to make a current situation work. Even more evidence came up, after he denied to reveal the Treasury costing of his elections policies. While MP Tony Windsor has received phone call from a Liberal party representative, and he declined to name who it was. Mr Tony Windsor said " Someone in the Liberal called me today and gave me a mouthful of rubbish, saying why don't I just get on with it and go back to an election." The Labour and the Coalition needed 76 seats in the House of Representatives to form a government,and they both also required the support from independent MPs.In my point of view, I think this kind of rumours is frequently happened in every countries. Sometimes we can't proof it because the evidences are not too obvious. However, I think being every politicians should be a fairness for the election no matter how is the result comes out.They just need to do their best.

All that Twitters turns to gold: social media

I choose this new because Social network such as face book and Twistter have become commonly use in society. Although some people think it is a ridiculous thing, we are able to use the computer application such as social network to make our career even better . A recent research by Melbourne IT found about the small businesses which using social media were more likely to make higher revenues online.The result from the research showed that there were more than 3400 small businesses that use the Internet to do their business ,social media and mobile Internet. However, the major social network are Face book and Twitter.Damon Fieldgate, executive general manager of Melbourne IT's told social media is another communication channel.At the simplest level social media, Face book and Twitter are just advance channels to communicate with customers.The benefits for business that use social-network are to get feedback on time and build a good relationships with customers that created the image of strong sales.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Taiwanese insurance company rewards staff in Australia

I choose this news because I found it very interesting that Australia has a good transportation, so it is quite accessible to travel around Australia.In this news , it is talking about The Telemarketing department of PCA Life Insurance had received the reward for the holiday destination to Australia. There were amount of 125 people in this Trip , so They decided to split into two groups to get them around Sydney. In this trip, Children were brought , to do sightseeing and landmarks in Sydney such as Opera house , Blue mountains and Taronga zoo. However, the most highlight seemed to be yatch racing that arranged for PCA. Each yatch was organized by a captain knew well about controlling the sails. The president of telemarketing, Liao Yuan Ru, said "It was spectacular to see 10 yatchs set off simultaneously at the start" He also said that the sailors in the yatch were doing different roles, but they worked along with each other to make sure that their yatch could pass the finish line on the harbour.To conclude , one thing that made this trip proceeded well because of the transportation in Australia. It was to obvious that during this trip the ferry has been used.I also assumed they used the buses service in Australia to do sightseeing.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Private schools look less appealing with change in university requirements

Australian parents could be reluctant to purchase an expensive private school fees because of changes in university entry tests.
The parents in Australian are refused to pay out expensive private school fees according to changes in university entry. During the Education seminar in Melbourne , The vice chancellor from Swinburne University, Ian Young compared the private school as tertiary entrance factories would decrease under the new education system, which due with students desires. Professor Young also said he would like to see many more ways for students to enter universities as well as there would be more places available for students. Which means the en trace score from student is about going to go down. Therefore , a solution for this problem is that the parents should consider private school fees as the most effective method to make an investment for their children.Furthermore , He said that For entry into advance course , the school scores still demanded. More comments from Richard, co-author of Victorian state government added that private schools would be able to adjust to the wider entry. For instance, they could concentrated on having students become adept of their work. The school needs to ensure about the importance of score and motivation to complete the student studies successfully.The Independent School Council of Australia considered academic performance was only of many factors that runs school choices.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Liam Hemsworth makes a splash with Miley Cyrus

The reporter said that Australian actor, Liam Hemsworth had show his flirtation more on Miley Cyrus , the teen idol from Hanna Montana . Obviously, that their relationship had become closer and more romance since they first gone out together.At the Svannah beach , Georgia , the teenage lover were hugging, splashing , and kissing happily durinng their first filmshoot for Disney called " The Last song" After they finished this film , it seemed like both of them really were into each other. Liam Hemsworth was role as a one of the local cool crowd. http://http//www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity/liam-hemsworth-makes-a-splash-with-miley-cyrus/story-e6frfmqr-1225736464089

Brown the hero as Lions down Eagles

Jonathan Brown scored the wining score for his team , Lions, at Subiaco Oval on Saturday night. It was a furious battle between Lions and Eagles. This was another chance that Lions and Eagles agianted each other again since 1998 in their first match. For a third quater Eagles had more a chance to lead but then Lions seemed to take the field back when Todd Banfield made three points just only in 15 minutes.
Jonathan Brown tried to throw the ball less than a metre out from the goal line, but it was a clumsy him because the ball was over the line. Therefore, Eagles became leader by Andrew Strijk. Despite a point still the same for seconds, afterward Brown had given a shot for made up his earlier failure. Later on , Brown sneaked through the goal as consequnet Lions obtianed another score , so Lions had become a winner for this game. since Lions had won the match then they celebrated their victory happily, while Eagles seemed to disspoint with their performance since they played well at the begining of the game.

More information here http://http//news.theage.com.au/breaking-news-sport/brown-the-hero-as-lions-down-eagles-20100807-11pms.html

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weak inflation may extend rates pause

I choose this new because it is significant to know how is the economic like in Australia at this time.
The recorded shows the weakest growth months in Australia , might give the Reserve Bank more time space on interest rate rises. The price has risen in bills but the prices for others expenses such as food had failing .The inflation means figure, shows the most variable price movements, also an annual underlying inflation rate of 2.5 percent. Annette Beacher, A senior strategist at TD securities said the Reserve Bank is hardly to move on a rates until inflation pressures appeared as a major problem. She told that we knew with the unemployment rate at 5.1 percent that economic is totally full employed.
Last week's The official headline inflation figures for the June showed the rate rise of 0.6 per cent, and taking the annual headline rate to 3.1 per cent.The Australian Bureau of Statistics showed the inflation prices rose 2.7 per cent in the year to June, not including the most variable movements. However, There are many economists predicted the rate rise at RBA meeting to the offical inflation result last week.They were shocked with the low result of the 23 economists observed by Bloomberg expect the official fund rate to move forward from 4.5 percent during this month.http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/08/02/2970713.htm

Rudd leaves hospital after operation

I choose this new because Kevin Rudd the Former Prime Minister of Australia has admitted to hospital according to his illness.I'm so curious what exactly was happened to him , and I would like to know how is he doing after his operation.
This is the news about the former prime minister Kevin Rudd was released from the hospital after he had an operation to remove his gall bladder.
Mr.Rudd suffered from stomach ache on Thursday, so he was admitted to the Mater Private hospital in Brisbane for the operation.
However , Mr.Rudd wrote the message on Twitter to let's everybody knows that he is doing well. " Great to be out of hospital. The staff were all terrific. Many thanks to them all.K Rudd." this text was on his Twitter.
The media constantly focus on the former prime minister has been against the election campaign because it was to obvious that Mr.Rudd didn't have a major role in the electorate, so he was replaced.

There were several issues of damaging leaks was disaster labor's campaign ,and Prime Minister Julia Gillard was forced to refuse the assignments that Mr.Rudd has been asked to show up on the campaign trail. Mr.Ruddsaid in the last statement that he planned to resume the appropriate campaigning during the week in his own area and the rest of Australia.

To conclude the statement, Mr.Kevin Rudd is getting better , since he has an operation. When I heard Mr.Rudd has admitted to the hospital, I was so surprised because he seemed to be a healthy person. However, I think it is important that everyone should keep their bodies fit all the time to avoid the illness.

Apple iPhone 4 sold out in Australia

Mobile phone dealers are attempting to meet demand for Apple's new iPhone 4 to the customers. The both supporter mobile network Optus and Telstra mentioned that demands for new iPhone are very high. Rebekah O'Flaherty, The consumer executive director of Telstra , told that Telsta are trying to fill the stock as quickly as possible and collecting the customer's detail, so they can purchase new iPhone 4 as soon as the product arrives.
Furthermore, Austin Bryan, Optus Consumer marketing director also said that new iPhone are highly desired .The stores was sold out in 15 hours , and Apple was working hard to increase stocks. Obviously, The guys at Apple are aiming to produce ship as quickly as possible in order to satisfy the customer wants.

Friend wins junior surf masters

I choose this to do this news because I'm very interesting in surfing , and surfing is the common sport that Australian people like to do for their hobbies.Chris Friend is one of my favourite Australian surfer.He also is very friendly and talented person. Chris Friend was born in Sunshine Coast , Queensland , it is too obvious that he's training his surfing a lot since he found himself to the right path of sport.

This news tell us about Chris Friend , On July 11, 2010. Friend won the prestigious Mick Fanning Red Bull Junior Surf Master , the surfing competition at Board beach. In the one metre conditions, Friend has beat Matt Banting the surfer from New South Wales in the final path which automatically made Friend become a winner. Friend posted a good combination by two wave , and he received the total score 14.60 which was out of 20. In contrast , Matt Banting score was 14.50. It was slightly different from Friend's score by only 0.10 of a point. Friend said his feeling was very thrilling to surf in front of Mick Fanning , the two times world champion.The competing was also against Australian's best junior surfer usually motivates him wants to do well. All the efforts that Friend has put , it now makes him become successful surfer. After the competition, he walked home with his reward with one of the biggest cheques the value was about $ Australian 10,000. There were several activities around the surf area such as the live music from Brisbane indie. Mick Fanning showed his support on the final round , and he checked out the name who was going to winner for this challenge.
When I read this news, I feel really apperciated the efforts that Chris Friend has put during the contest. He is a dedicate person, and he practiced his surf whenever he has a chance. what I have learned from this news is that people should set up their own target , and they should work through the obstacles no matter how tough it is.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Use your mobile phone as a cell tower

Flinders University, Australia, Adelaide has innovated the technology to use WiFi created their own network.
I choose this article because the mobile phones are necessary equipment that human use in daily life, and sometime it is very irritable when we need to use the mobile for emergency , and it is very interresting that Flinders University has come up with the new technology.
In this story, it is talking about Flinders university has experimented the new WiFi technology. Consequently, the mobile phones are enable to use anywhere in the world where the reception is an issue. This new WiFi technology allows mobile to connect calls to another call without using cell tower , but using WiFi instead. Dr. Paul Gardner-Stephen , the leader of the group , has make a software for detecting other phones in its WiFi , and call them without needing support from an operator. Apparently , it seems to be a big challenge. As far as we know, that the greatest WiFi mobile phone can reach the signal only in a few hundreds feet especially it sounds tough when we think about dealing in an urban area. To be sort out this problem, the software will allow a mobile phone act as the cell tower which means a mobile phone can relay others phone calls. It is able to reach other mobiles in the same area as well as it increases WiFi radius become wider. The technology is very useful when there is concentration of mobile device in that area. Flinders University's giving example of as a disaster relief location such as Haiti. Obviously ,the disaster event that happened early this year effect how the telecoms couldn't be use during the emergency. It is important to have this kind of the emergency service in Haiti
for allowing services in the country to keep contact.
To sum up, some said the mobile phone operators will not be delighted to see some people created their owm mobile network that doesn't need to pay anything. I personally think that it is very good thing that I can use the mobile device without network operation in the urgen event. In addition, I dont have to pay extra service charge when I use this WiFi technology.

What is the first thing you think about Australia?